Libya Challenges in Encountering with Human Rights’ Globalization

Document Type : Research


Assistant professor Of Political science, Faculty Of Literature and Humanities, Yasouj University, Yasouj, Iran.


   Gaddafi's dictatorial governorship in Libya was the one that was ousted in the wake of the revolutionary upheavals of the 2010s, with the mobilization of society and the participation of international institutions and forces. In explaining the collapse of this political regime, internal factors (backward political structure, suffocation and tyranny of the rulers, wave of democratization and new media) and external factors (role of international institutions and forces and major powers) have been raised. This research with a general Understanding has combined the government interaction and globalization processes into two internal and external factors. The results of this research show that globalization in its various economic, social and communicative dimensions has created an understanding and space for human rights discourse in Libya. As a result, society realized its depleted theoretical and normative rights and demanded the realization of its political, economic, and cultural rights. With the help of new media which turned into protests and revolution, the regimes’ brutal and repressive confrontation with citizens led to a civil war and human rights enforcement tools. A situation that brought coalition of international institutions together with Libyan society and ousted Gaddafi in order to realize the supreme values of freedom and the right to self-determination of the society.


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