Evaluation of the Relationship between the Foreign Policy Function of the Islamic Republic of Iran and Aims of the 20-Year Vision Plan and Its Requirements

Document Type : Research


1 Associate Professor of Political Science, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran.

2 Ph.D Student of Political Science, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran.


In the political economy of terrorism, the methods of financing terrorist groups have become increasingly important.
Using a comparative approach, this article seeks to answer the following questions:  1. What are the main sources of funding for ISIS and al-Qaeda?, 2. What are the similarities and differences between these terrorist groups in financing themselves?  And 3. Finally, what are the reasons for these differentiations and similarities?  Firstly, this article identified 14 sources of al-Qaeda and ISIS's revenue. Secondly, it showed that these terrorist groups had similarities in some areas, such as foreign financial support and hostage taking. Yet, in other cases, such as opium trafficking, antiques smuggling, oil and jewelry sales, b-ank robbery, their leaders’ personal wealth, charities and taxation some distinctions live. Thirdly, we identified that their main similarity was the variety of ways in which they financed. Fourthly, we argued that the reason for tendency of these groups' to diversify their financial resource was the reduction of foreign assistance to these groups and the necessity of seeking private micro resources. It also facilitated the circumvention of national and international bottlenecks. Ultimately, it showed that some of the differentiated aspects of their funding were due to their different contexts and environments, as well as their distinctive political structure.


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