The Role of Economic and Commercial Diplomacy in Promoting the Nation Brand of Countries (Case Study: China, Turkey and Qatar)

Document Type : Research


1 Associate Professor, Dept. of Diplomacy and International Organizations, Faculty of International Relations, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Tehran, Iran.

2 Associate Professor, Department of Business Management, Faculty of Islamic Studies and Management, Imam Sadiq University, Tehran, Iran.

3 Ph.D student of Business and Strategic Management, Majoring in Marketing Management,, Faculty of Management, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.



The national image and brand of a country is created and discussed in the international system and among global public opinion. Different countries also seek to present an inspiring and attractive image of themselves through various means. An image that, in addition to showing the power of a nation, shows the sphere of influence and effective activism in the international arena. Economic and commercial diplomacy is the field of foreign policy action that takes advantage of economic power at bilateral, regional and international levels in order to secure national interests as well as national branding. Undoubtedly, it is the duty of every government to provide the necessary facilities to improve the level of empowerment and welfare for the people in order to improve the national image of the country. The main goal of this research is to analyze the position and role of economic and commercial diplomacy in promoting the national brand of countries. The question of the current research is how successful countries have benefited from economic and commercial diplomacy in the field of national branding? The research method of the research is based on library sources, descriptive-analytical and has used a case study. Based on this, the three successful experiences of China, Turkey and Qatar in using economic and commercial diplomacy strategies to strengthen the national brand have been examined. Expanding trade with developing countries, attracting foreign investment, strengthening tourism, granting development aid, exporting technological products, participating in international economic organizations and forums, and using the competitive advantages of each country have been the main lessons learned from the experience of the selected countries, which can be used to promote The national brand of the Islamic Republic of Iran should be carefully considered.


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Main Subjects

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