Strategic Need Encountering Smuggling Goods and Currency in Iran

Document Type : Research


1 Associate Professor, Political Sciences, University of Mazandaran, Babolsar, Iran.

2 Ph.D Student, Political Sciences, University of Mazandaran, Babolsar, Iran.



Smuggling goods and currency as a destructive factor of the country’s economy, by creating deviation in investment and expansion of economic activities, disorganizes economic equivalence and progress. So the governments are trying to confront with it in any way; thus since the problem of Smuggling is wicked in Iran, different proceedings and attitudes couldn’t control this progress. So in this research, in addition to distinguishing and determine the fields and the results of smuggling and enumerating lawful actions done to confront with smuggling goods and currency in Iran, with pragmatics case of wicked problems according to RITTEl and WEBBER(who believe: these cases not only require alternative action strategies but also alternative ways of observing and enabling)and using this descriptive analytic way and guttering library resources, documentary and statistical, we are going to answer the question: At the present situation of Iran what patterns are necessary to confront with the smuggling goods and currency? Statistics show that, although there is rules to confront with smuggling establishing the staff to fight with smuggling goods and currency and administrative efforts of constriction, disciplinary and complexity of the ways used by the smugglers, the average of smuggling goods and currency in Iran has been increasing and as a result of the corruption perceptions Index is not including the ranking of Iran in the transparency of international organization. So according to these writers, with the participatory cooperative guidelines and using economic policy to increase domestic and international qualifies and trying to concur renting domestic rules and international trades we can help to improve the situation.


Main Subjects

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